Concept Paper CP-083 by Herb Zinser
Using TOE theory (Theory of Everything) and Computer EARTH system 370 CMS (Content Management Systems) ... various geography sites, business activities, human affairs, etc can be considered as information data sets intertwined as subsets within the EARTHLY fabric of space/time.
Black Holes and Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous Legacy ...
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... leads his readers through an elegant, always human,
tapestry of interlocking ...
To explain this ... Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE words. languages, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, process information flowcharts, and other concept tools are used to translate the CRYPTIC writings of others into in more down-to-earth explanations using proper nouns assigned to geography sites, people, business activities, and other real objects and entities that exist on the geography surface of EARTH and are involved in everyday life.
Decades of Scorn for 'Trophy' Wives - Wall Street Journal
'Trophy' Wives
asTrophy' Wives
astrophysics Wives
astrophysics W i ves --> West interface vector space implies
secret word CALVES --> CAL + VES --> CALTECH vector space
Water100 --> subset words --> Water + LOO -->LOOK message --> Water + BLOOD war zone
The Earth iron core and its IRON GEAR message for the British analysts of the TOE theory
and the IRON LADY
Below, the super-symmetry geo-physics SYMBOL MACHINE message words--> Falk Corp(se) WAR e house and the Buenos AIRes natural gas leak in Milwaukee
Code --> Jane Wilde --> Jane Wi = Wisconsin --> Janesville, Wisconsin signal ignored
Below, data processing keywords --> PORT Bus terminal
The astrophysics COMPUTER EARTH I/O PORT .... human data BUS ... human brain bio-computer terminals