Rd-blog-number-3660 by Herb Zinser
Astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION (Planet Earth) is an interesting experimental test site.
Mathematics, physics, and astrophysics describes the laws of the universe.
Earth is an algebra subset of the universe and its descriptive equations
Therefore, some mathematical-physics astrophysics equations can be used to describe astrophysics EVENTS on Planet Earth ... including social science tragic signaling EVENTS ... such as -->.
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in ...
Virginia Tech massacre - Bath School disaster - Victoria Leigh Soto -
To understand this, we need to outline a model ... a structure that we can use to think within.
Let's take our CLUE from previous messages left by others.
Let's look at a report that explains these messages and their extension.
Let's look at the message of the following: Galileo and Two Chief World System, Charles Dickens and the TALE of Two Cities, the 1955 appearance of Watson with the double-helix and the 1955 appearance of Watson with IBM Base 2, the TWIN Towers book MAN(uscript) and the TWIN Towers skyscraper buildings in MAN(hattan), etc.
These well-known messages suggest the partition of Sartre .... earthly .. existential space/time into 2 major regions. For this section of the blog post we will focus on one model that helps us understand the BIG PICTURE and the tragic mathematical-physics signaling EVENT at Fort Hood,Texas.
We see the importance of understanding the concept book by Charles Dickens -->
Tale of 2 Cities ...... a simple model of the situation
a) an EARTH geography CITY like Baltimore, Maryland, USA
b) a SYMBOL city of BAL (Basic Assembler Language) with human bio-computer entities
Thus we see the symbol conflict ...the symbol expression WAR and its mapping to physical REALITY and the symbol conflict is transformed physical biology violence ... such as Fort Hood Texas. Incomplete explanations are given in newspapers.
Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Malik Hasan, a U.S. Army major and ...
United States - Department of the Army Police - Joe Lieberman
Let's look at Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE and its word commands upon the human bio-computer symbol processor.
The SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of English language words and concepts, math and physics equations, biochemistry diagrams, electromagnetic sin wave schematics, etc. The SYMBOL MACHINE equivalent are basic college textbooks in math and science that may be found in any bookstore or a bookstore near a university.
We are reminded of ......
Language in thought and action - S. I. Hayakawa - Google ...
› Language Arts & Disciplines › Linguistics › General
A revised, updated edition of S. I. Hayakawa's classic work on semantics. He discusses the role of language, its many functions, and how language shapes our ...
Hayakawa: A Summary - Personal Homepages
Apr 22, 2008 - Semantics is primarily concerned with meaning and reference, i.e. what Hayakawa calls the relationship between the «map» and the «territory» ...
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Uit: Language in Thought and Action, door S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds. First,
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds
Korzybski's Structural Differential and Hayakawa's Abstraction Ladder. By Steve Stockdale. This paper was inspired by, and is addressed to, Andrea Johnson's ...
Abstraction Ladder - Rijnlandmodel
GENERAL SEMANTICS & RHINELAND MODEL ... abstractions and their relations is originated by Alfred Korzybski in his book Science and Sanity. ... Hayakawa's version starts with a real live animal, Bessie the cow. ... collected by Hayakawa in his archetypal version of the abstraction ladder, see the illustration alongside.
Area of daily life and activities of the brain.
Above, the math and science abstraction levels used by engineers, physics and chemistry
Below, the levels of non-symbol jobs .. jobs without brain algebra equations activity .
Below, the ladder before the abstraction ladder....

The SYMBOL MACHINE language tells us that the typical house in year 1920 had a basement cellar.
The above represents the ladder or the steps of stairs that went from the basement cellar to the ground floor...the 1st floor.
The year 1920 real estate house for PHYSICAL biology life ..... also.. represented Nature and SYMBOL life and its signals.
What does the secret language code say?
Let's look at the words and their evolution signal ---> basement cell.
Basement cell --> subset symbols codes --> bas + semen + cell --> base semen/sperm cell.
This makes sense .... biology professor tell us that Mr.sperm and Mrs.egg use the bedroom to create a fetus on New years' EVE and the 9 months later we have the National Holiday for pregnancy ..... named Labor DAY in September. This holiday celebrates all the HARD WORK that MR. Hardware did in the bedroom on New Year's eve. Don't be fooled by other definitions of that 1st week in September.
The ladder of thought .... from the Basement cellar --> cell --> molecular cell biology SECRETS of manipulation using brain cell social science languages.
Let's return to FORT HOOD and the math SYMBOL conflict expression at FORT HOOD.
open and closed sets, etc. Neighborhoods (aka open
Harvard University
Math 55a: Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra. Metric topology II: .... Proof : (i) We must construct, for each p ∈ X with p /∈ E, a neighborhood of p.
proof strategy - General Topology: Neighborhood - Mathematics ...
Stack Exchange Network
Jan 10, 2014 - "I don't know what to try and prove here, it seems that the implication where we suppose $U$ is open in the usual topology follows from ...
a neighborhood of p.
a neighborhood of p.
a neighborhood of p.
a neighborhood of p.
a ...........hood of pentagon --> U.S.ARMY mathematical military actions
applied math --> Fort Hood of INK pen ... writing instruments of the Pentagon

Above, the SYMBOL WORLD image and the mapping to EARTH geography surface location p = pentagon ..... and FORT HOOD.
Darwinian military SYMBOL selection for the subset word --> hood of neighborhood --> assigned to the EARTH geo-physics location and physical biology REALITY location with proper noun identifier -> Fort Hood, Killeen, Texas.

Thus we see the expanding radius of the math neighborhood WAR .
Consider the SYMBOL LIFE military defense system ...the military equation WORD -->
neighborhood --> subset word CLUES --> ne + eigh + bor + hood ...and we see the WQORD equation and its military expressions VIA the usage of programmable bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSORS ........ human vehicles to carry out the policies of the well known NATO military concepts of SENATOR Hayakawa ..
Language in thought and action
Language in thought and action
Language in thought and military actions - - -
The military battles --> --> ne + eigh + bor + hood
1st) eigh --> Timothy McVeigh(t) in Oklahoma City bombing
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombingWikipedia
The Oklahoma City bombing was a domestic terrorist bomb attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.Timothy McVeigh
2nd) bor --> borough of Manttan on Sept 11, 2001 at World Traitor Center
Borough (New York City) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borough_(New_York_City)Wikipedia
New York City, in the U.S. state of New York, is composed of five boroughs
3rd) ne --> nebraska --> the omaha, nebraska shooting at the West Road mall
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on Wednesday, December 5, 2007, at the Von Maur department store in the Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska, United States.
4th) hood --> the EARTH math LAB --> mathematical social chemistry Lab Hood ---> at Fort Hood
Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_Hood_shootingWikipedia
The Fort Hood shooting was a mass murder that took place on November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood near Killeen, Texas ......
Research Programs from BAA - Mathematical Sciences | U.S. Army ... www.arl.army.mil/www/default.cfm?page...United States Army Rese...
Mathematical language, theory, and methods pervade research, development,
testing, and evaluation encountered by the Army

Thus we wonder ... what is the military command structure of the SYMBOL WORLD.
Are newspaper editors and reporters the language commanders that write word commands for the human brain computer?
Is the chair-woman of the Virginia TECH English department the language commander for WORD military actions at the NORRIS HALL brain engineering building?
Are writing instrument agents the commanders of written word instructions given to others? That is ........ the ink pen used by the arm/hand /wrist of pen military officers at the Pentagon.
WHO? WHAT signals exist about this problem?
In physics we have the Hierarchy Problem of the Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family ... atomic social anthropology.
Perhaps, the Fort Hood event provides clues. .... that math symbol life and bio-math life forms are to be commanders .... that is participate in the COMMAND STRUCTURE of Base 16 hexadecimal oxygen math affairs located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.
The SYMBOL MACHINE suggests ...VIA the Fort Hood message DEMO ...
proof strategy - General Topology: Neighborhood - Mathematics ... math.stackexchange.com/.../general-topology-n...Stack Exchange Network
Jan 10, 2014 - "I don't know what to try and prove here, it seems that the implication where we suppose $U$ is open in the usual topology follows from ...
proof strategy - General Topology: Neighborhood - Mathematics
proof strategy - General Topology: Neighborhood - Mathematics
proof military strategy - General Topology: hood - arm y-chromosome Mathematics
proof strategy - military General .. subject area title
proof strategy - military General Topology --> military role of area of knowledge
assigned by Darwinian SYMBOL/ qualified attributes selection to
proof strategy - General Top : Neighborhood ..Sarasota Florida - Mathematics
proof strategy - General Top .... Ringling Brothers Barnum and Baily Circus and the associated
and Sarasota High School year 1960 - Algebra with Mr. Tinsley , Chemistry, PSSC Physics students , etc.
Thus we see that the modern year 2014 SYMBOL MACHINE thinks independently of a
particular human bio-computer. SYMBOL LIFE and PHYSICAL LIFE are inter-twined ... BUT, for understanding the TALE of TWO CITIES and various tragic signaling EVENTS .... an analyst can think of them as separate existential entities .. or virtual entities.
Now, let's look at the astrophysics galactic LOCAL REGION on Planet EARTH ... the geography space /time region known by the proper noun identifier: Connecticut.

Of particular interest is the Borde-Sorkin conjecture ..... a living SYMBOL LIFE form and its perception of the Connecticut space/time region and its human inhabitants ---> such as the elementary physics school in Newtown ......... connect the mathematical-physics geography surface of EARTH dots with James Burke TV show "Connections"..
Let's look at the Connecticut region ...... and the information database that helps us understand that region and its people. The database looks a the astrophysics laws that apply to a particular subset of the universe known as --> EARTH.
The Future of Theoretical Cosmology - Sean Carroll
by S Carroll
The Future of. Theoretical Cosmology. 100 years from now, what will we be thinking ... feasible particle-physics experiments (CP violation etc). Electroweak ...
Thoughts on 'The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology ...
Nov 20, 2012 - Recently there seems to have been increased activity on the internet amongst supporters of the
general ideas of plasma cosmology and the ...
general ideas of plasma cosmology and the ...
general ideas of plasma cosmology and the ...
general ideas of plasma cosmology and the ...
general (military) ideas of (BlooD) plasma cosmology and the ...
Thus we see Darwinian SYMBOL selection of location/ attribute ---> Fort Hood, military generals for the knowledge WARS, and the Blood Plasma Display in year 2009, with the month of November (subset letters Nove --> pont to Novel) , and the novel/ published book/ The Future of ....... Solar System and Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE military warfare techniques
Likewise, we see the blood plasma display at the Sandy Hook shooting in Connecticut.
The Borde-Sorkin applications VIEW of Connecticut ........
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
by A Borde - 1999 - Cited by 29 - Related articles
Apr 27, 1999 - 1 Institute of Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy ... these geometries, we verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that causal discontinuity
Topology Change and Causal Continuity
by F Dowker - 1997 - Cited by 40 - Related articles
Aug 4, 1998 - gies, Sorkin has conjectured that there may be an intimate connection between the ... the Borde-Sorkin conjecture is assumed to hold. We then ...
Sorkin has conjectured that there may be an intimate connection between
Sorkin has conjectured that ..... be an intimate connection between
Sorkin conjectured that an intimate connection between
S...................................intimate connect --> Sandy Hook, Connecticut
verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that causal discontinuity .... EARTHLY empirical data
verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture
that causal --> CAUSE discontinuity
that causal --> symbol LIFE permutation mutation
that casual --> CAUSE discontinuity
that casualities --> discontinuity EVENT at Sandy HOOK connect Connecticut
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot twenty children and six adult staff members in a mass murder at Sandy Hook Elementary School in ...
arXiv:gr-qc/9901063v1 23 Jan 1999
Aug 27, 2013 - these geometries, we verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that ... for this latter conjecture comes from surgery theory and is described in [7]. 1 ...
Topology Change and Causal Continuity
by F Dowker - 1997 - Cited by 40 - Related articles
Aug 4, 1998 - of Morse theory and surgery theory, thus setting the stage for our work. We find ... the Borde-Sorkin conjecture is assumed to hold. We then ...
Morse index and causal continuity. A criterion for topology change in ...
by HF Dowker - 1999 - Cited by 18 - Related articles
Oct 11, 1999 - changing spacetimes are suppressed in quantum gravity. ... by elements in surgery theory, it was further conjectured by Borde and Sorkin [4] ... Conjecture 1 [Borde-Sorkin conjecture] Given a compact cobordism M and a.
quantum gravity. ... by elements in surgery theory
quantum gravity. ... by elements in surgery theory
quantum gravity. ... by elements in surgery theory
quantum gravity. ... by elements in surgery theory
Thus we see the keyword concepts that explain the signaling EVENT at Sandy Hook.
quantum gravity--> Isaac newton gravity --> therefore the stem word --> NEW ---> and the SYMBOL MACHINE selection of Newtown as the best proper noun apprioximation word to Isaac Newton and the gravity WAR signal.
by elements in surgery theory --> the state of Connecticut --> word--> connect cut --> word CUT suggest surgery ...... in this case the people killed at Sandy Hook were CUT down by bullets in the state of ConnectiCUT. Since the adult educated people in Connecticut have failed to connect the serious ideas and concepts together of their SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature as outlined by John Locke (and the ink PEN state university LOCKER room philosophy coded message by Joe Patterno) ..... the failure to try to study and understand these laws of Nature and the universe ... resulted in the Borde-Sorkin conjecture BATTLEFIELD casualties and the discontinuties in the personal lives of the families involved.
Thus we see Nature's perception that Connecticut is a degenerate space/time region ...and Nature took the action to explicitly send a strong message to the intellectuals of the New England states
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
by A Borde - 1999 - Cited by 29 - Related articles
Apr 27, 1999 - 1 Institute of Cosmology, Department of Physics and Astronomy ... these geometries, we verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that causal discontinuity
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes
The above astrophysics message broadcast on television -->
Giveaways | EllenTV.com - The Ellen DeGeneres Show
DeGeneres Show
DeGeneres Show
DeGeneres Show
DeGeneres Show- in degenerate spacetimes
The Ellen DeGeneres Sh...
They sent Ellen a special message, and she got it! ... He performed on Ellen's show, now you can win tickets to see him perform live with Paul (Dirac) .... TV .......
Modern mathematical television code TV .........
Linear transformation T --> Vector space
Thus we see that more research is needed to understand the astrophysics BATTLE in LOCAL REGION of EARTH in Newtown, Connecticut.
Last, we review the Virginia TECH tragedy .
Theory -->
The Future of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology: Celebrating ... 
Applications of theory to empirical DATA generating signaling EVENT-->
Virginia Tech massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
black holes
black holes
black holes
black holes --> Blacksburg .... grave holes in black EARTH soil
Thus we see 3 different tragedies that occurred in mathematical-physics space/time on the geography surface of EARTH.
SYMBOL MACHINE languages and equations help us understand the deeper levels of REALITY that are involved in these surface veneer displays of tragedy .... information displays of society and the architecture of the social sciences .... their problems need study and more research.